Hospitalito Atitlán cares for the health needs in the Lake Atitlán area of the Guatemala highlands. Before the Hospitalito, these Maya families and their children had little or no access to quality medical care. Today, it serves more than 75,000 people.

As the Hospitalito prepares to enter its tenth year, the demands on it are greater than ever.

All donations are tax deductible through our U.S. nonprofit partner, Amigos Hospitalito Atitlán, which transfers the contributions to the Hospitalito. AHA has no paid staff or overhead expenses.

Thank you for your donation to support this important work!

Make a One-time Donation:

Make an In Honor or In Memory Gift Donation:
Gift Donation

Become a monthly Hospitalito Atitlán Health Partner
Monthly Giving

$15 = Trauma treatment in the ER
$25 = Eight childhood asthma treatments
$50 = Monthly diabetes medicine for five (5) patients.
$100 = Medical checkups for 25 people.

Consider Hospitalito Atitlán When Planning Your Estate
Planned Giving Options

Check Donations

Make checks out to Amigos Hospitalito Atitlan and mail to:

Amigos Hospitalito Atitlán
2220 Shallow Well Rd
Manakin, VA 23103